75 Hard Challenge
I know what you’re thinking - wtf did I just click on. A challenge about weight loss on a body positive blog? What the hell is this?
I know how you must feel. But I really needed to do something to lose weight. Please hear me out. My heaviest weight is almost 300lbs and as my doctor started expressing concern for my health I found myself desiring to be in a body that I am more comfortable and confident in. And why should I feel bad about that?
So, this is my journey of the 75 Hard Challenge - but I did this challenge my way. Workout twice a day? I’m sorry but I don’t have the time for that shit. So instead I worked out once a day, every day for 75 days.
So here is a breakdown of my journey and what I did in my attempt to be in a healthier body, a body I desperately want.
I have a lot to say regarding weight and my decision to start a blog post about weight so I also started talking about this on my podcast. Check it out here on Spotify.
This is my before and after from a past 21 day challenge. I’m posting this to encourage myself that changes are happening. Once I have completed the 75 days I will post use the same bra and underwear to post a side by side to see if I see more results.
Day 1:
Okay I feel great after my first workout but can I do this every day for 75 days? I owe it to myself to put myself first - to show up for myself.
Day 9:
Why in the fuck did I agree to this? Can I do this? Am I lazy? What is wrong with me?
I’ve never done this long of a challenge. But I’m glad I did. This challenge takes willpower and patience.
With every workout I’m staring at myself trying to see if I see progress. But I’m also realizing that searching for progress with every workout is toxic.
Day 44:
My bitch ass took a break. One day off turned into two, and then I started working out every other day. Now it’s a few days after Thanksgiving and I’m eating everything in site and I’ve gone 10 days without working out. I feel - good! LOL I feel free. I stopped tracking my food. But this little break won’t last too long and by the next time you hear from me I’ll be back on my bullshit working out everyday. Stay tuned. Moral of the story is sometimes you need to take a little break. But don’t let that break turn into you quitting. I re-fucking-fuse to quit. You’ll be hearing from me soon. I promise.