I am a Sexual Being: 'Hot Damn I Love Sex With Myself'

By Katrina Todros

The most important and frequent sex in my life is sex with myself.

Something that I've come to learn in the past few years is, despite what my peers and surrounding acquaintances have told me, is that I am an extremely sexual being. Maybe it's because the stars aligned in such a way for my birthing into a Scorpio, or maybe it's because I finally learned that sex with other people can be weird and most of the time not really for me, but hot damn I love sex with myself.


I'm talking at least an hour or so minimum every other day of shining, shimmering, splendid one-on-one with me. My own company is my best company.

It's been a common thread throughout my life for people to accuse me, and sometimes even convince me that I'm asexual. I grew up in an extremely conservative middle eastern home where any physical contact with the opposite gender was largely discouraged, and occasionally even punished. Fast forward a few years and my preferred partners often comes with a set of labia or breasts, so take that Dad! This somehow also really worked out in my favour as I became a budding serial masturbator and queer. My favourite breasts to handle and pinch are my own, and my favourite clitoris to tickle and rub is sitting right in my own intersecting legs. If I continued to become the religious woman I was raised to be, I believe this would be referred to as a “blessing,” no?

My closest friends have come to expect a frequent barrage of texts along the lines of “Sorry I wanted to leave early, gotta get home to have my way with my clit,” or “Bb, I just made myself cum SO HARD.” In turn, I get excited to get the same back from them, and the best part is that we know each other so intimately at this point that whenever we try something we know the other will like, our first impulse is to share the wealth! Never in my life have I been surrounded by such glowing and relaxed friends.

I got a snap yesterday of a gorgeous babe in my circle with “Everyone at work keeps telling me how beautiful I look today, little do they know I spent 56 min masturbating before work” typed across her angelic selfie. A text from another goddess today highlighted how she gets herself off whenever she chases her big dreams.

There is so much support, balance and effervescence in the people who love themselves the way they can love a partner. Being able to be sexually active regularly with others is incredible, amazing, tremendous – but being the sexy beast that you are just with yourself is just as colossally marvellous. And it's the best, most comfortable, consensual, safe sex you can ever have. My last sexual experience, for that reason, will consistently be glorious. 

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